This week Quebec Senator Leo Housakos will introduce a bill to boycott Beijing Olympics and ban all imports from Xinjiang, he says on his official Twitter account.
Eastern European states of the former Communist block do not react well to the Chinese subversion and even coercion in Europe. Countries like Lithuania are at the forefront of standing firm against Beijing. The resistance does not come without a price. After the Lithuanian parliament passed a resolution in May this year […]
The Senate has blocked the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.
Hu Binchen, a Chinese official, has applied for a top position at Interpol. His candidacy sounds an alarm that China could again abuse the international organization to haunt its critics, including members of the Uyghur community in exile.
A recent visitor to ‘Xinjiang’ (Uyghurland) has posted a 20-minute video of several detention facilities on YouTube, Nathan Ruser reports on Twitter. The visitor shows footage of eighteen different detention locations and one former facility.
Over fifty British Muslim organizations staged simultaneous demonstrations in London and Manchester on Saturday, November 13th. The global #Stand4Uyghurs protests voiced support for the Uyghurs’ struggle for freedom and against the Uyghur genocide.
Ms. Emma Reilly, a fired UN whistleblower, was recently interviewed by Maajid Nawaz on his UK-based LBC talk show.
Image: Mairie de Paris Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has said that Paris Town Hall will be illuminated in Uyghur colors (blue and white) on November 12th in support of persecuted Uyghurs, several French news outlets have reported. The French have long been strong advocates for Uyghurs. More than 2,000 people […]
East Turkistan government in exile and the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement have filed the third attempt at International Criminal Court. The new evidence meets the ICC’s requirements as it includes insider witness testimonies from Uyghurs.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’ released a report on Tuesday: “To Make Us Slowly Disappear”: The Chinese Government’s Assault on the Uyghurs. The report expresses the Museum’s grave concern that the Chinese government may be committing genocide against the Uyghurs