According to Chinese media, since January 9, the Chinese government has started to issue passports, open its borders, and promote overseas travel. According to the Uyghur News Agency, the policy has left most Uyghurs behind, except for a small number.
On Monday, January 8th, the Chinese government hosted 30 representatives of 14 Muslim nations in Urumchi, a city in the Northern part of occupied East Turkistan.
On December 28, Istanbul Biruni University hosted a cultural presentation event for students from various countries.
One hour after the incident, the relevant authorities in Turkey told the Uyghur Times that at 1:00 p.m. on December 27, the Turkish anti-terrorist squad raided the residence of Abdulla Abdulhamit Qarihauji, a Uyghur religious scholar and kidnapped him.
“How can we criticize governments of independent states when we are weak and live without a homeland? Can we talk about them, and will it help?”
Reha Tarık KAHYA from Marmaris, Turkiye, hosts a Youtube channel called “The Forgotten” that he considers a social responsibility project.
“Uyghur Civil Rights and Justice Association” and the “Relatives of Camp Victims” group organized a successful, large-scale event titled “News from Eastern Turkistan” on International Human Rights Day on December 9.
Bartın municipality in Turkiye hosted an international artistic event, the 25th International Book Fair, for seven days between 23-30 November.
The Holocaust took place 80 years ago. The surviving Jews established their state and described what they had experienced.
Xi Jinping directly responsible for Covid lockdowns — according to his own words
Nov 29, 2022
By Yaruk
In a short video shared on Twitter, Chinese leader Xi said that during the Covid period, he gave all the instructions within the scope of Covid measures.