11 FEB 2018


In response to the news report, Uighur Institute urgently appeals to Malaysian Government and specifically the Minister of Home affairs not to extradite the Uighur political refugees.Uighur religious or political activists are being unfairly and inhumanly treated in their homeland .These refugees if extradited shall be face the oppressive measures and subject to mistreatment .

As an  atheist ,communist and Han Chinese dominant nationalist government , The people’s Republic of China has embarked on rigorous policies discriminating against Uighur Muslims and is actively pursuing programs that suppresses freedom of religion and is persistently victimising religious adherents .It has acted harshly against all dissidents and political opponents .

Previous Uighur refugees deported to their country has faced severe punishments devoid of fair trail .

As authoritative news agencies such as CNN,Guardian ,New York times ,Radio Free Asia and international Human Rights NGOs like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty international reported ,The Chinese government has been launching an assimilative policies against other minorities in the country and had detained more than 1 million Uighur muslims in so called reeducation centres, a Nazi style concentration camps intended to brainwash all of the Uighur people .

China has demolished many mosques in the region beginning from 2016 and detained all of the religious scholars and sent them to long term prison service for their religious preaching .

It also has banned the Uighur language from the schools and forced Uighur young students to take oat that there is no god, there is no religion, there is only Chinese communist  party.

The Chinese government has already lost it’s credibility to claiming all of Uighur activists and dissidents as terrorists.

Once again ,Uighur Institute pleads to the minister  to use his direction and authority to allow due process and prevent the expulsion of the Uighur political refugees .

Uighur Institute, Washington DC.

Uyghur Times

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