IUighur language Translation and Teaching Agency Email us: iuighur@outlook.com visit us at iuighur.com A Washington-based Uighur Language service Agency Professional Human Translation IU Language Translation Agency offers professional translation services for English to Uyghur and Uyghur to English language pairs. We also translate Uyghur to and from any other […]
Month: March 2018
Note: The original report was written by Guo Cheng (Chinese) and Rizwangul (Uighur) ,Translated by Uighurian from Chinese into English. The article is an official report of the mandatory name change campaign in the region which was deleted on February 27, immediately after it was published by Qiemou ling gong […]
China: US Nuke will burn its eyebrows. Tair Uighurian A Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Nuclear Posture Review said ” Over the past decade, despite United States’ efforts to reduce the roles and numbers of nuclear weapons, other nuclear nations grew their stockpiles, increased the prominence of […]