Uyghur Times Bi-Weekly Synopsis (1-15 Sept)

UN Human Rights Office releases long-awaited “Xinjiang” report minutes before Bachelet’s exit from office

Sep 01, 2022

Uyghur Times Bi-Weekly Synopsis


UN Human Rights Office releases long-awaited “Xinjiang” report minutes before Bachelet’s exit from office


Sep 01, 2022


After a year-long wait, the United Nations Human Rights office released its assessment of China’s treatment of Uyghurs a mere few minutes before its deadline by Wednesday at midnight Geneva time. Many decry the report as “watered down” as China tried, with all its might, to prevent its release …






Extended COVID lockdowns in Uyghur homeland


Sep 05, 2022


By Anne Kader


There have been extended COVID-19 lockdowns in the Uyghurs’ homeland from the beginning of August. The first outbreak in the area was reported on July 31.


The authorities have divided the affected areas into high-, medium- and low-risk zones …






Sanji Province alone produces 1 million tons of corn


 Sep 06, 2022


This year Chinese companies are producing one million tons of corn in the Sanji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of the so-called Uyghur Autonomous Region (East Turkistan).


Sanji Hui Autonomous Prefecture has 130,000 acres of cultivated land spreading over Sanji City, Qutubi County, and Manas County. The total corn harvest will likely increase by one million tons. Nine production companies currently produce soy sauce in Sanji, and none belong to Uyghur entrepreneurs, Uyghur News Agency reveals.





Benedict Rogers on CCP persecution of HKgers, Uyghurs, Tibetans, and his new book: China Nexus


Sep 09, 2022


By Anne Kader



China Nexus: Thirty Years In and Around the Chinese Communist Party’s Tyranny


The book, published by Optimum Publishing International tells the story of Benedict Roger’s fight against human rights abuses by China and its neighboring countries, Myanmar and North Korea. The book describes the Chinese human rights situation and what the free world should do about it… 





Uyghurs are starving – How long will the silence last?

Sep 10, 2022


By Yaruq


The tolerance of the Uyghurs, whose food and medical needs the Chinese authorities have neglected for more than a month, is beginning to shatter. Uyghurs have been forcefully locked in their homes for more than a month under China’s so-called zero-Covid policy. Now the helpless cries of Uyghurs are breaking the hearts of many …






Xi to leave China for the first time in more than two years


Sep 11, 2022 


Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, will leave China for the first time in 

more than two years for a trip to the Shanghai Cooperation 

Organization’s summit in Samarkand in Uzbekistan, where he will meet 

Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Reuters reports.





Uyghurs’ response to China’s Holodomor

Sep 14, 2022


By Yaruq


Uyghurs, who have been quarantined for 45 days in Ghulja since the beginning of August as part of China’s zero Covid-19 policy, have broken their silence. By doing this, the inhumane policies of China toward the Uyghurs in East Turkestan (aka Xinjiang) have come to light once again …





China resorts to same old methods of oppression


Sep 14, 2022


By Yaruq


As we can see from the deplorable video footage from Gulja City in East Turkestan, China continues in its cunning ways: Starvation, indifference, discrimination, and contempt.


 These are part of the inhumane policy of China toward Uyghurs. And the CCP has applied those to the Uyghurs in the city of Gulja for 45 days …
























Anne Kader

Next Post

Western nations at UNHRC indecisive about establishing commission to investigate China's human rights abuses

Wed Sep 21 , 2022
Western states are calculating whether to call for an independent commission to investigate human rights abuses against the Uyghurs by China, the Guardian reports. If established, it would test the amount of Chinese influence at the UN.

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