Uighur Crisis introduced to the faith community of Allentown, Pennsylvania

By Uighur Times

Feb 16, 2019. Allentown, PA.


On Feb 16, 2019, Tahir Imin, Uighur scholar and activist, founder of Uighur Institute and Uighur Times presented about how China is committing genocide on the Uighur population, while the world is watching. More than 500 people from the local faith community attended the event which was organized by the Muslim Association of Lehigh Valley, Allentown, PA.

Imam Basheer Bilal called on Muslims to pray for Uighur Muslims as well as take actions for them.

The association called upon Muslims on their official FB page to:
1. Keep your Uyghur brothers and sister and other Muslims oppressed in your daily prayers.
2. March 7 National Congressional Call-In Day to Pass S. 178 & H.R. 649:

And to do the following 3 things on March 7th or approaching March 7th:
1. Log on to SaveUighur.org/Congress (https://www.saveuighur.org/Congress/ ). You will be automatically connected one by one to your representatives and Senators while talking points will be on your screen.
2. Announce it in your congregation and text ten of your friends to do the same.
3. On April 6, Join Massive Rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington DC.


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Columbia Law School: Mass Internment of Uyghurs and other Muslim Populations in China

Thu May 9 , 2019
By Uighur Times. March 12, 2019. Columbia Law School, NY Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 @ 6:40pm to 8:40pm Jerome Greene Hall, Room 106 Speakers: Zubeyre Shemsidin, Project Director, Uyghur Human Rights Project; Darren Byler, Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington; Tahir Imin, Founder of Uighur Institute and Uigher Times. […]

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