House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Comments on Uyghurs at IRF Summit 2024

“In the Uyghur Autonomous Region, Uyghur Muslims are suffering under the Chinese Communist Party’s genocidal campaign of forced sterilizations, forced detentions, and re-education. Millions of Uyghurs have been detained in these camps, where they are kept in cramped cells, they are tortured, and brainwashed. We all know this. Uyghur women are subject to heinous violence I won’t bear to repeat this morning.”

“In the Uyghur Autonomous Region, Uyghur Muslims are suffering under the Chinese Communist Party’s genocidal campaign of forced sterilizations, forced detentions, and re-education. Millions of Uyghurs have been detained in these camps, where they are kept in cramped cells, they are tortured, and brainwashed. We all know this. Uyghur women are subject to heinous violence I won’t bear to repeat this morning.”

“All these countries, some of the most repressive countries in the world, also have the least to offer to their citizens in economic prosperity and social mobility, and that is no surprise. Because if you are going to restrict and torment people for their religious beliefs, it’s going to be a tyrannical regime. Economic prosperity grows when the people are allowed to follow their faith. Freedom flourishes where freedom is allowed. At this moment, the US has the opportunity and an obligation to prevent genocide and punish those who commit it. As China makes its forced labor efforts harder to detect, we call on the Biden administration to fully enforce the letter and spirit of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. This should not be a partisan issue. We should all be united on this. That’s who we are as Americans. We must use all of our resources to prevent American involvement in the Uyghur genocide.”

You can view the whole speech here.

Image: Public Domain 

Anne Kader

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Employees of BASF partner company sent to spy on Uyghurs 

Sat Feb 3 , 2024
The staff of German BASF's partner company, Markor Chemical Manufacturing in the Uyghurs' homeland, has joined Chinese state officials in questionable home visits to Uyghur households during the mass internments that started in 2018, company reports show.

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