Employees of BASF partner company sent to spy on Uyghurs 

The staff of German BASF’s partner company, Markor Chemical Manufacturing in the Uyghurs’ homeland, has joined Chinese state officials in questionable home visits to Uyghur households during the mass internments that started in 2018, company reports show.

The staff of German BASF’s partner company, Markor Chemical Manufacturing in the Uyghurs’ homeland, has joined Chinese state officials in questionable home visits to Uyghur households during the mass internments that started in 2018, company reports show.

Adrien Zenz, Director & Senior Fellow in China Studies at Victims of Communism, posted a new media investigation to Germany’s largest magazine, Der Spiegel, and the German national TV, ZDF

Reports of these ‘home visits’ by Markor employees, can be found on the company’s website. The employees joined Chinese state officials, entering Uyghur and Kazakh homes to eat, sleep, surveil, and target specific households at night on the pretext of ‘ethnic unity’ and ‘poverty alleviation’.  

Employees of Markor also took part in a business trip to spy on Uyghurs shortly before the Chinese New Year in February 2018. The destination was the village of Aqiang, ZDF writes.

Witness accounts confirm this policy: “They detained up to 25% of the village residents and also set up camps for the children whose parents were in the camp”, says Gulpiya Quazibék, a Kazakh witness, to ZDF.

Image: Markor employees during a home visit (source Markor Chemical)

Anne Kader

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