China passed anti-West foreign relations law to counter U.S

By Uyghur Times Staff

China passed an anti-West foreign relations law to counter global democracy led by the U.S., as reported by China’s state propaganda outlet, the Global Times. The newly enacted law aims to counter so-called “frequent external interference in China’s internal affairs” and challenge “Western hegemony “with unilateral sanctions and jurisdiction. The Global Times views this law as a crucial measure to enhance China’s legal tools against Western dominance, signaling China’s intention to assert its interests through both coercion and economic incentives.

The law, implemented on July 1, expands President Xi Jinping’s authority and consists of six chapters. It introduces punitive measures against entities considered detrimental to China’s interests, without clearly defining specific boundaries. According to the Global Times, China asserts its right to take necessary countermeasures within the law against actions that violate international law, and basic norms of international relations, and pose a threat to China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.

Tahir Imin, the founder of Uyghur Times, suggests that the purpose of the law is to provide legal cover for measures and practices that the Communist regime may employ against Western sanctions related to China’s genocide and other illegal activities. China may justify its actions by asserting its adherence to its own laws, similar to how it has justified its actions in Hong Kong under the national security law.

The new law may encourage greater compliance with China’s interests from international entities but could also face opposition from governments and prompt foreign businesses to reevaluate their involvement in the Chinese market. Notably, the law emphasizes the ideological context of China’s foreign relations, upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics and promoting the political ideologies of Xi Jinping, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Marxism-Leninism. This solidifies the Communist Party’s control over foreign policy and reinforces President Xi’s tightening grip on power.

Ultimately, the interpretation of the law by the courts and the severity of punitive measures imposed will shape its overall impact. China’s new foreign relations law signifies a significant consolidation of President Xi Jinping’s authority and the advancement of China’s global interests. Its effects on international compliance, pushback, and freedom of expression will unfold gradually, further defining China’s role on the global stage.

Uyghur Times

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EU Leaders Commit to Decrease Dependency on China

Fri Jun 30 , 2023
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