The Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative honored a prominent Uyghur-American attorney and human rights advocate Nury Turkel with the first Notre Dame Prize for Religious Liberty in 2021.

Turkel is a U.S.-educated attorney and leading human rights advocate whom House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. His inspiring personal story and skilled advocacy have drawn global attention to the ongoing abuses against the Uyghur people.

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN — A renowned Uyghur scholar Dr. Akram Hashimov has passed away in Uzbekistan at 59, Uyghur Times Uyghur Edition reports.

The list of late Mr. Akram Hashimov ‘s life achievements stands long: He was an associate professor of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, a senior researcher of the National Music Arts, a Doctor of Arts, and Master of Discipleship. Dr. Hashimov was one of the leading Uyghur cultural figures in Uzbekistan.

Zainura Isa, an Uyghur poet and a great daughter of the Uyghur nation passed away due to an illness in Istanbul on January 8, 2022.

Ms. Isa was born in Kashgar in 1944. She spent her childhood in Aksu and in Turpan. After graduating from high school, she entered the ‘Xinjiang’ University of Language and Literature in 1960. In 1965, she graduated from the University with honors. After graduating, she became a lecturer at the same university.