The Chinese province of Henan is building a surveillance system with face-scanning technology that can detect journalists and other people of interest, surveillance analysts IPVM reports. Chinese firm Neusoft, backed by Huawei cloud services, has won a tender to build the system. It will operate like traffic lights and divide people into different categories: green, yellow, and red. Anyone labeled red would ring an alarm.

On Saturday 27th November at 1300 GMT, the Uyghur Tribunal will hold a third virtual hearing to introduce new evidence from expert witnesses Professor Ton Zwaan and Dr. Adrain Zenz, the Uyghur Tribunal website says.

The Uyghur Tribunal is an independent people’s court of justice launched in Great Britain in September 2020. It examines China’s human rights abuses against the Uyghur people and evaluates whether the violations constitute genocide under the Genocide Convention. The tribunal began its first series of hearings in June 2021, and the second set in September 2021.

CHINA brands the World Uyghur Congress as a terror organization because the group organized a major conference in Prague last weekend.

On its website, the Chinese Embassy in Prague condemns the ‘anti-Chinese separatist activities’ of the World Uyghur Congress. The Embassy accuses The World Uyghur Congress of “fabricating slanders and lies about ‘Xinjiang'”.