Sophie Richardson China Director   Original source: Human Rights Watch  Earlier this month, a dozen United Nations experts quietly issued an unprecedented and devastating assessment of the Chinese government’s counterterrorism law. Their critique highlights the way this law is being used to justify gross violations of basic rights and freedoms in Xinjiang, […]

Translated by Torchlight Uyghur Group November 14, 2019 In an Elementary Accounting class at the Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, a Han Chinese lecturer spoke the following to his students just before he started his lecture. The following is the original audio file spoken in Chinese. [quote]Following is the […]

Original source: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims on Friday amid the NBA’s recent controversy regarding a team manager’s statements about the country on Friday. In an address to the American Association of Christian Counselors in Nashville, Tenn., Pompeo proclaimed that George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984”, was […]