Top documentaries about the current situation of Uighurs under communist Chinese regime


  1. China and the Uighurs (Aug. 6, 2019, DW Documentary), 61k views

It’s believed more than a million ethnic Uighurs are interned in China. Chinese officials call the detention facilities ‘re-education’ camps, but there’s overwhelming evidence that they are prison-like compounds designed for mass incarceration.

China’s western Xinjiang region is almost five times the size of Germany. It’s home mainly to the Muslim Uighur minority. Today many houses and streets, entire villages even, are deserted, their residents confined to indoctrination camps by the Communist Party. China’s crackdown on the Uighur minority extends beyond its national borders. Exiles continue to be hounded by Chinese state security even after they seek refuge abroad. Uighurs who have acquired French citizenship recount the threats they’ve received from Chinese government representatives. From Europe and Kazakhstan to Turkey and Canada, exiled Uighurs are calling for international action as China works to erase their ethnic identity.


  1. China’s problems with the Uyghurs-Documentary from 2014 (Feb.15,2018, wocomoDOCS), 1.6 million views

For the first time, a French director-journalist will join an official trip to the heart of one of the most secret regions in China: Xinjiang. Unstable and by far the most volatile province in the country, it’s a unique opportunity to visit an area that’s normally out of bounds to tourists.

Located in the far northwest of the People’s Republic, on the borders of central Asia, Xinjiang is the scene of frequent clashes between the Chinese authorities and the Uyghurs, Turkish-speaking Muslims who, like their Tibetan neighbors, reject the colonization of their territory.

Going beyond the Uyghur problem (which gets less media coverage than the unrest in neighboring Tibet) the aim of this documentary is to decipher the propaganda that is currently being put out by the Chinese, who are trying to convince the world, and Chinese tour operators in particular, that the region is a haven of peace, a heaven on earth suitable for mass tourism.

Thanks to reliable contacts amongst the organizers of this “Chinese tour” and the help of diasporas based in Europe and Central Asia, and thanks also to accounts given here for the first time by Turkish-speaking Muslims and footage of the most recent revolts, we’ll be able to draw a parallel between a slick, consensual tour and the distress of an entire race.

To get a better understanding of the extent to which everything here is built on lies and propaganda, we shall show videos shot by the minorities themselves as well as their accounts. It’s the kind of footage we rarely get to see, showing a reality that China would prefer to keep hidden…


  1. China’s Vanishing Muslims: Undercover In The Most Dystopian Place In The World (Jun. 29, 2019, VICE News), ~2 million views

China’s Uighur minority live a dystopian nightmare of constant surveillance and brutal policing. At least one million of them are believed to be living in what the U.N. described as a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy,” while many Uighur children are taken to state-run orphanages where they’re indoctrinated into Chinese customs.

The Uighurs’ plight has largely been kept hidden from the world, thanks to China’s aggressive attempts to suppress the story at all costs.

VICE News’ Isobel Yeung posed as a tourist to gain unprecedented access to China’s western Xinjiang region, which has been nearly unreachable by journalists.

She and our crew experienced China’s Orwellian surveillance and harassment first-hand during their time in Xinjiang, and captured chilling hidden-camera footage of eight Uighur men detained by police in the middle of the night. We spoke with members of the Uighur community about their experience in these camps, and about China’s attempts to silence their history and lifestyle under the cover of darkness.


  1. Uighurs: Nowhere To Call Home (Jan. 31, 2019, Al Jazeera English), 119k views

“The first thing they asked me was to take off my clothes… They put me in the cell with the drug addicts and with the killers and they beat me.”

Abduweli Ayup, a Uighur, alleges he was raped and tortured while in detention in China for 15 months.

His is one of a growing number of stories recounted by Uighurs fleeing their homeland, as China faces increasing criticism of its treatment of the country’s Muslim population.

Experts estimate one million people are being held in detention centers in China’s Xinjiang region. The government denies the claims.

Authorities say “vocational training centers” are preventing “religious extremism”, educating Uighurs on the country’s language and laws and providing job training.

But more than a dozen Uighurs that 101 East spoke to, who eventually fled to Turkey, speak of being held against their will, beaten, tortured and starved.

Even outside the country, Uighur Muslims say their future is far from safe.

After vowing greater economic cooperation in 2018, Turkish officials recently pledged to safeguard China’s security and not allow any criticism of the country on its soil.

Uighurs say the Chinese embassy has stopped renewing their passports. Without official documents, Uighurs tell Al Jazeera, they struggle to work and live in fear that they will be deported back to China.


  1. Surviving China’s Uighur camps (May 10, 2019, France 24), 78k views

In China’s northwestern Xinjiang region, more than one million ethnic Uighurs are believed to be held in internment camps. The authorities call them “re-education through labour camps”, but victims say the reality is forced indoctrination for Uighurs held in alarming conditions. From China to Canada, via Turkey and France, our reporters Angélique Forget and Antoine Védeilhé investigated the plight of the Uighurs and gathered rare testimony. This is their exclusive report.


  1. How China is creating the world’s largest prison ( Jul. 15, 2019, ABC News), 132k views

Tell the World: Exposing how China is creating the world’s largest prison.

Four Corners uncovers disturbing evidence of how China is effectively operating the world’s largest prison.

It’s a remote corner of the world, but what is taking place in China’s Xinjiang province is nothing short of breathtaking.

Today its Uyghur population is being systematically rounded up and detained, with estimates of as many as a million citizens being held in re-education camps.

Even those still left in their homes are being monitored. The communist regime is using cutting edge technology, mass surveillance tools and artificial intelligence to control an entire population.

By piecing together witness accounts from Australian citizens caught up in the Chinese Government’s campaign, along with satellite imagery analysis and official documents uncovered online, the truth about what is occurring in Xinjiang is laid bare.

We have uncovered evidence of detainees being forced to work in factories with implications for Australian companies doing business in the region.

We also reveal concerning evidence about Australia’s links to China’s dystopian surveillance state and the tools used to racially profile its own citizens.

The events unfolding in China are creating heartbreak for Uyghurs in Australia.

They have stayed quiet for fear of provoking the authorities into punishing their relatives. Now, in desperation they are breaking their silence to tell the world what is going on.


  1. Inside China’s ‘thought transformation’ camps (Jun. 18, 2019, BBC News), ~1 million views

The BBC has been given rare access to the vast system of highly secure facilities thought to be holding more than a million Muslims in China’s western region of Xinjiang.

Authorities there insist they are just training schools. But the BBC’s visit uncovers important evidence about the nature of the system and the conditions for the people inside it.

The BBC’s China Correspondent John Sudworth sent this report.


  1. Life Inside China’s Total Surveillance State (Dec 20, 2017, Wall Street Journal), 1.5 million views

+China has turned the northwestern region of Xinjiang into a vast experiment in domestic surveillance. WSJ investigated what life is like in a place where one’s every move can be monitored with cutting-edge technology.


  1. Are Muslim Uyghurs being brainwashed by the Chinese state? (Aug. 30, 2018, BBC Newsnight), 185k views

Eye-witnesses and human rights experts claim up to 1 million people are being held in ’re-education camps’ in China.

In the northwest province of Xinjiang in China, the evidence is growing that hundreds of thousands of Muslim Uyghurs are being incarcerated by the authorities in’re-education camps’.

A Newsnight investigation has interviewed two witnesses who say they have been inside the camps and have now managed to flee China.

They say that the Uyghurs suffer physical torture and psychological thought control. The Chinese state has consistently denied the existence of the camps.

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV program – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


  1. CNN captures rare images China doesn’t want you to see (May 7, 2019, CNN), 138k views

Beijing has rejected US accusations that the Chinese government has detained large numbers of Muslims in the Xinjiang region in what former detainees describe as re-education centers with prison-like conditions. CNN’s Matt Rivers investigates. #China #CNN #News


  1. China’s secret internment camps (May 7, 2019, Vox), 2.3 million views

China has been quietly detaining its population of Uighurs, the country’s Muslim minority, in internment camps. First-hand accounts from inside the camps paint a brutal picture of torture and political indoctrination. At first, China denied the existence of these camps and tried to cover them up. But as a network of academics and activists uncovered evidence of the camps’ locations, and the reality of what’s going on inside, China changed its story.


  1. China’s hidden camps (Oct. 24, 2018, BBC News), 443k views

The BBC has new evidence that China is building a vast network of internment camps for its Muslim population in the western region of Xinjiang. Experts say one facility we’ve identified could be one of the biggest detention centers in the world.

It’s thought as many as a million Muslims from the Uighur community are being held without trial in Xinjiang.

China denies the claims, saying it has a program of “vocational training centers” – needed to combat the threat of terrorism.

But the BBC has seen an analysis that suggests the number of secure, prison-like facilities in the area has more than doubled in the past two years.

Accounts of life for individuals inside these places tell of abuse and humiliation.

Our China correspondent John Sudworth reports from a part of the country where journalists are often prevented from filming.


  1. Spirit of Asia: Who are the Uyghur? (Oct. 22,2015), 273k views


  1. Uncovering China’s Detention And Torture Of Its Muslim Minority (Mar. 26, 2019, Al Jazeera English), 185k views

Nowhere to Call Home: Amid mounting reports of human rights abuses against China’s Muslim population, 101 East profiles the Uighurs seeking refuge and speaking out in Turkey.

“The first thing they asked me was to take off my clothes… They put me in the cell with the drug addicts and with the killers and they beat me”, says Abduweli Ayup, a Uighur who alleges he was tortured and raped while detained in China. Abduweli is one among a growing number of China’s Muslim population who claim to have been abused under the government’s controversial “re-education” program. Experts estimate one million people are being held in detention centers in China’s Xinjiang region; a figure denied by Chinese authorities. They say “vocational training centers” are preventing “religious extremism”, educating Uighurs in China’s culture, language and laws and providing job training. But more than a dozen Uighurs interviewed by 101 East tell harrowing tales of torture, starvation, and sexual abuse. Even outside the country, Uighur Muslims are far from safe. For the many Muslims who have fled to Turkey, the future is uncertain; Uighurs say the Chinese embassy in Turkey is refusing to renew their passports, making it impossible to find work and heightening fears of deportation.


  1. New evidence China is using a system of forced labor in Xinjiang (Jul. 16, 2019, ABC News), 10k views

Xinjiang, in China’s northwest, is essentially the world’s largest open-air prison with restrictions placed on Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities.

Witness accounts, satellite imagery, and Communist party documents reveal what appears to be the largest imprisonment of people on the basis of religion since the Holocaust.

Mounting evidence suggests a system of forced labor is emerging in Xinjiang.


Uyghur Times

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News Brief: New information about Uyghurs in East Turkestan (8) - Erkin Sidiq

Mon Aug 26 , 2019
By Erkin Sidiq Aug 25, 2019   New Information about Uyghurs in East Turkestan—News Brief (8) 1_The Chinese government recently said that they have released most of the Uyghur Muslims detained in concentration camps. But according to the information we obtained directly from our homeland, they released 4 Uyghur female […]

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