I, Horigul Yusuf, write this statement as a Uyghur currently living in Australia. I have grave concerns for the safety and whereabouts of my family members in East Turkistan.
Arfiya Eri, 33, is running for a seat in the House of Councillors, the Japanese senate. She is the world’s first Uyghur election candidate backed by a major party.
On May 30, Ms. Eri participated in a press conference to announce additional candidates for proportional representation officially held at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters and made a greeting.
I used to be very passionate about becoming a writer when I was very young. That childhood dream faced some serious challenges as I grew older because I quickly noticed the deep injustices and maltreatments my people were facing in the majoritarian Chinese state.
The Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom (JMUF) is delighted to announce its latest campaign in development. “Let My People Go” references the successful letter writing by world Jewry in the 1980s to Soviet Jewish political prisoners.
My name is Almas Nizamidin. I am from Adelaide, Australia and I work as a building contractor. My wife, Buzainafu Abudourexiti, was my high school sweetheart. She was sentenced to seven years in prison in Xinjiang, where she remains incarcerated to this day in a women’s prison.
May 30th, 2022 marks the 85th anniversary of the untimely death of Memtili Tewpiq, a modern Uyghur educationalist, poet, and compositor. He was burnt to his death in arson in 1937.
I mourn for this great Uyghur scholar with all due respect.
UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet raised more questions than answers after what was supposed to be a fact-finding mission to the Chinese occupied East Turkistan, the homeland of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Turkic groups, The Politico reports.
What is it with the rubber gloves? They are grossly used for patronization. It is not some disease control, and Uyghurs are not spreading some ideological virus. Why would elderly Uyghur female detainees need a Han Chinese carer somehow adjust their position for a mugshot? How humiliating! Why would one need one’s hair tidied up for a jail mugshot?
I went through every photograph of the Xinjiang Police Files. It was this weird mix of gut-wrenching anxiety that I might see a relative of mine & hoping that I wouldn’t. I know we’re all doing the same.
I will never forget May 23, 2017, when I heard my father’s voice for the last time and lost contact with nineteen family members. His words still echo in my ears.