By Uyghur Times StaffFebruary 10, 2025 A 23-year-old Uyghur man, Iskender Mahmut, (Maihemuti Yisikandaier), was fatally shot on Monday, February 10, on Professor Regoutstraat in Oss, Netherlands. Authorities are seeking information about his whereabouts in January and February to understand the circumstances leading to his death. Iskender emigrated to Turkey […]
Ahmedjan Kasim, a young Uyghur activist in the Netherlands and now an author, has just published a new book titled “De Oeigoerse Droom” (The Uyghur Dream – My Fight against Chinese Oppression). The compelling story of the Uyghurs, as narrated by Kasim, has become palpable for Dutch readers. Kasim’s storytelling is commendable, Renze Klamer, a Dutch reporter, writes on the book’s back cover.
On April 19, Representatives of Uyghur organizations in the Netherlands met with Dutch Foreign Ministry official Mr. Lawrence and the country’s human rights ambassador, Ms. Bahia Tahzib, Uyghur Times Uyghur Edition reports.
Denmark will not send diplomats to the Beijing Winter Olympics, due to human rights issues in the host country, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said on Friday.
The Netherlands won’t send a government delegation either, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Frits Kemperman told Reuters. He said the Covid-19 rules in China would make it difficult for Dutch diplomats to discuss their concerns about human rights issues.