Sweden decides to expel me before I get the chance to finish my school

by Diyora Pazilova

My name is Diyora Pazilova. I came to Sweden on August 19, 2012 with my mother, Shamshinur Pazilova and have been studying since I started at Söderkullaskolan in fifth grade. In 2017 I started reading the nature program at Malmö Latin School, which is the best choice I have ever made. Now it is 2020 and it is time for us to take the student and choose a university that will change our future. In total, I have been plugging in Sweden for eight years. However, I will not have the opportunity to have a future in Sweden. I have been told that I must return to our home country, after all the time and energy I have spent in Sweden.
Why? My dad is a Uighur and a citizen of China and got a residence permit in Sweden. The same goes for my older brother, 24 years. Since my mother and I are citizens of
Kazakhstan, Sweden will isolate me from my own father and brother. One reason the Migration Board states is that Kazakhstan is a peaceful country, however, the likelihood is high that our return will be life-threatening. My father is a citizen of China and can therefore result in the government of Kazakhstan sending us to China when he is wanted in the country. Why should I deliberately throw away my life, my studies and my childhood because we happen to be citizens of Kazakhstan? It will also be a loss to Sweden as they lose a student whom the government itself has put a lot of money into when it comes to studies and thus results in a waste of energy and time from both directions!

The whole world knows, through news and social media, what happens to Uighurs and what they are forced to do in concentration camps. China’s idea is to wipe out the Uighur ethnicity. Once they have done so, there is a great risk that they will do the same with the next ethnicity. The Chinese government has isolated me from my own ethnicity, friends and country. They have isolated me from my childhood as well as no opportunity to study, like millions of young people in my nation.

According to the Migration Board, evidence supporting this is “not enough” and the simple “solution” seems to just send me and my mother out of the country. We have spent eight years here, all the time considering that we finally have a future, but now our dreams will burst and we will be isolated again from our lives. Our future will be taken from us with Sweden’s permission. I have always dreamed of helping people in society in the future, but when it is she who needs help, the authorities turn their backs.
Please help us! We have not broken any law in Sweden. Nor have we ever received the help that Sweden should give to a refugee, and we have tried to do our best here. The international agreement that is most important for this examination is the European Convention on Human Rights. The Convention contains articles to protect people from inhumane treatment and also from being removed from their social context if it has been built up for a long time.
It all started with my parents coming to Sweden with a work permit, where my dad would work for a manager. I got a residence permit 26/05/2014 to 20-01-2016. Since we came to Sweden without any knowledge, we later learned that the handler had failed us. That is, in the 4-6 months in which my father worked, the manager had not paid tax, which resulted in

us not getting an extended residence permit. The permit expired in 2016 and we applied for asylum, which was delayed until 2019 where we were interviewed by the Swedish Migration Board. We did the interview and told him that we cannot return to either China or Kazakhstan when our lives are in danger. That is how the Migration Board decided to approve my father’s permanent residence, but both me and my mother have been rejected. We have appealed 2 times but got rejected.
I ask you with all my heart, can you help me and my mom in any way? We will find out about the court’s decision in about a week from today, March 8, 2020, and the uncertainty is frightening. No “newspaper media” seems to want to help or draw attention to this, and if we count on the time it takes to read, edit and publish my case, time may already have run out. Do my very best to spread the situation through other social media such as Facebook, when a group called ​”Let Diyora Pazilova Stay In Sweden”​ was created. That is why we have started a name collection with the hashtag ​#LetDiyoraStay,​ which is linked below.
Please help me and my mom, we do not want to be exposed to the danger that we have tried to relieve ourselves from eight years ago …
We have never received the help that a refugee really should receive.
// A terrified student in Malmö Latin School.

Uyghur Times

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