In a dangerous move, China forces 30,000 Uighur workers to return to work in Hotan.

Afrasiyab, Uighur Times

Feb 26,2020,Washington DC

Chinese state-run media Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday that 229 enterprises in Hotan prefecture in the south of Uighur region has “resumed production in an orderly manner and more than 30,000 surplus laborers in the rural area have returned to work.”

This move was considered very risky while the Coronor Virus is still spreading rapidly not only in China but also across the globe.

One of the factories resumed the production is called “于田县坚得利时装有限公司” Yutian County Jiandeli Fashion Co., Ltd., highly suspected as a labor camp which is transformed from one of the re-education camps detained more than 3 million Uighurs and other Turkic Muslims.

The Communist Party’s official mouthpiece quoted Patigul AbdulRahman, a Uighur inspector in charge of testing the temperature of employees entering the workshop “Every employee needs to take a temperature test at least three times a day. They can enter the workshop only after washing their hands and wearing a mask. The factory area also needs to be disinfected three times a day.”

According to Shen Guangyin, director of the company “Most of the raw materials we need for production comes from inland China.”

After the Coronovirsu outbreak, Uighurs living in exile have been sounding the alarm over the risk of the coronavirus spreading in camps inside the country, where it is believed up to 3 million people are being detained.
The extreme shortage of foods and supplies for Uighurs and others are also the biggest concerns for the people who got the information from the region locked down after more than 80 infected cases confirmed.

Dr.Ferhat Bilgin, a Uighur American said “Jailing, torturing and killing those members of the population who could resist, effectively breaking the spine of the nation, then use the rest for whatever purpose they see fit. Many Chinese are refusing to return to work because of the Coronavirus. Now the State is sending these poor Uyghurs to work. If they survive they produce a profit, if they die, that would be “too bad” For the first time in history, Uyghurs has become commodities of the State.”

Uyghur Times

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