Could Biden’s expression of ‘disappointment’ affect Xi Jinping?

Joe Biden expressed disappointment after the news of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping skipping the G20 meeting. It is up to the individual not to like it privately and not to hide these feelings, but as the President of the United States, this expression is worth questioning.

Image by Samuel Branch / Unsplash

Joe Biden expressed disappointment after the news of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping skipping the G20 meeting. It is up to the individual not to like it privately and not to hide these feelings, but as the President of the United States, this expression is worth questioning.

What was Biden’s point in saying: “I’m disappointed that I’m not going to see Xi Jinping”? Did Biden think if Xi Jinping heard it, he might change his mind? Or that he would either be embarrassed or afraid? Does Biden justify himself by signaling that he wanted to meet Xi, who decided not to come? What is the reason for this defense? This expression smells nothing short of flattery and submission.

To me, this phrase sounds more like an expression of incompatibility in a romantic relationship between two individuals rather than a disagreement between the head of a state and his competitor, rival, or enemy in the international arena. In other words, it indicates diplomatic spinelessness and a declaration of weakness in foreign relations. As experts state, Xi Jinping’s absence at G20 is a show-off.

Xi’s decision is, first of all, an aura of his leadership at the BRICS conference in S. Africa. This conference was a step in implementing the plan to equate China with the world’s most powerful country (USA) by 2035 and transform it into the world’s leading country( replacing America) by 2050, which CCP promised at its 2017 congress.

Bringing together more than 40 international leaders of states with a population of more than 3.2 billion people, 40% of the world’s population, and 40% of the economy and formed the basis of activating the NDB, the Bank of BRICK, instead of the IMF, the Chinese yuan instead of the US dollar is, rightly, gives Xi Jinping inspiration. The enthusiastic support he received, mainly from the US’s overt and covert enemies, definitely encouraged him.

By skipping the G20, he satisfies his ego and imperial ambitions. He conveys confidence, hope, and encouragement to his BRICS teammates by maintaining his anti-Western stance exhibited at the BRICK meeting.

All tough Joe Biden has forgotten all the events of recent years, such as the Chinese spy balloon in the US air space, the dangerous approach of the Chinese fighter aircraft to the US Navy aircraft in the South China Sea, and the collision-style maneuver of the Chinese warship around the US destroyer in the Taiwan Strait, he must have been seeing the BRICK’s development against US global interest.

If he saw this, why doesn’t he say, “Xi Jinping has made a mistake? He must come so we can solve these problems together”? Why does he not criticize Xi’s avoidance of responsibility and that he did not dare to come? Biden does not speak in the tone of a president of a great country, such as “If China withdraws from international problems, it will suffer and regret”.

That means that Biden cannot adequately grasp what is happening around him and that his position as a US President is the chief commander of the most powerful country in the world.

Another reason for Xi Jinping’s decision to skip the G20 is his experience in international relations in the last four years. Xi Jinping, who perpetuated his throne by violating his country’s laws last year, did not encounter any negative voices abroad, including at the G20 meeting in Indonesia, and was even more enthusiastically greeted than before.

In this meeting, Xi displayed his power and made others feel it, with his stare from the top at Biden during the shaking hands and his scolding Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau in front of the cameras. After the meeting, Xi Jinping saw that the G20 leaders came to him, even if he didn’t go to them. From Antony Blinken’s place in the corner of the stage during the meeting, Xi learned that if these meetings were held in China and not abroad, the location atmosphere would be for him to control.

Xi Jinping rules the state with the mind of a mafia: He brings this form of government to international relations. Under what conditions will China keep its neck soft against America? When the USA asks about the account of COVID-19 in the relations between the two countries and brings the Uyghur Genocide to the agenda in international affairs, China softens its stance. These are his main crimes and weaknesses in front of the USA and the world. Naturally, if the crime of COVID-19, which caused the death of 7 million people in the world and 3 million people in the USA, is not investigated, the greed of the criminals will increase even more.

COVID-19 originated in China even though China has tried to cover it up and still does. China has refused to allow the search for the origin of the COVID-19 virus, any of which is reason enough to punish China. The governments and parliaments of 22 countries, almost all states that can make independent decisions in the UN, and three of the five members of the UN Security Council have recognized the Uyghur issue as genocide.

Therefore, talking about climate and trade with a country that commits genocide and crimes against humanity is a blow to the law and order of the world, to the influence of this law, rather than the people who are victims of genocide. It is a victory for the country that commits murder. Xi’s impunity is the chief factor for his increasingly authoritarian character and inspiration for victory.

It’s a simple logic: When you are discussing with someone who owes you money, if you ask not the $100,000 he received in the past but the $10 he received today, the other party will doubt your intelligence and strength and will not return the $100,000 or $10.

No matter which party comes to power in the USA, if the President does not bring these two cases to the agenda, he will not be effective against China. During the Trump era, Xi Jinping could not show such strength, at least not during the negotiations. Why? Because Trump named COVID-19 the “Chinese virus”, Mike Pompeo called it the “Wuhan virus”. Trump expressed the essence of the problem by saying that China “stole our science and technology and our factories” and has repeatedly increased the customs tax as an economic sanction while greeting Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. Without informing Xi, he dropped a bomb on his partner Bashar Assad’s army in Syria.

One of the biggest mistakes made during the COVID period was to consider the Chinese or Asian Americans when addressing the Chinese Communist Party: Gentle treatment of the CCP to protect Chinese Americans instead of mobilizing them against the CCP.

Every regime, every tyrant has a language that it understands. Neither the mentality of the Democrats nor that of the new generation of Republicans can tear China away from its majesty.

Even though Vivek Ramaswamy recognizes China as a threat, as a US presidential candidate, he uses soft and ambiguous language on China. Ron DeSantis’ non-intervention attitude will also increase China’s hegemonic ambition.

This portrays the agony of not speaking to China in her language: The US Defense Minister, Austin complains: “My phone was not taken by my counterpart in China”, and the Minister of Commerce Gina Gallegan cries “China has hacked my e-mail” and President Biden pathetically says: “I’m disappointed, I wanted to see Xi”.

The US should not kneel before the mafioso state of China. Bowing in front of the enemy shows the weakest position of the US government ever shown toward foreign powers.

Anne Kader

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