Young Uyghur Tour Director Dies Under Questioning by Xinjiang Authorities: Mother A young Uyghur woman who worked as the deputy director of a tourist agency in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) has died while being questioned in official custody, according to a recording of her mother that […]
Uyghur Times
Uighur Times 6-9-2019 Chinese regime’s defense minister defending Tiananmen square massacre and concentration camps in occupied East Turkistan Asia’s premier defense summit, the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue, took place from May 31 to June 2 in Singapore. On the last day of the summit, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe […]
By Memet Emin A special photographs exhibition “I can’t sleep – Homage to Uighur homeland” by Lisa Ross is taking place from January 17 to February 23 at Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery, New York City. During the first three days of exhibition, the exhibition featured several innovative cultural programs by Lisa […]
Influential Western Scholars and Politicians Voiced for Uighurs in 2018
IUighur language Translation and Teaching Agency Email us: visit us at A Washington-based Uighur Language service Agency Professional Human Translation IU Language Translation Agency offers professional translation services for English to Uyghur and Uyghur to English language pairs. We also translate Uyghur to and from any other […]