Original news link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/20/families-of-missing-uighurs-use-tiktok-video-app-to-publicise-china-detentions?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR2uZ25kRyQagbj8mgl8JeReBddMljSzZvMopjgWgXNW2kYacxIQI-McWO0 Uighurs are sending out messages on social media video app Tiktok (抖音 DouYin, the version of TikTok only available within China) showing family members who have gone missing, in their latest attempt to raise awareness about the estimated 1 million Uighurs who have been detained […]
Uyghurland: News updates on Uyghur homeland (Xinjiang) geography, local government activities, Life Under Surveillance and socio-economics
Original news link: https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/08/14/why-a-new-trump-appointee-could-be-the-latest-sticking-point-between-the-u-s-and-china-uighur-american-director-nsc/ The Trump administration has appointed a Uighur American academic as director for China at the National Security Council in a symbolic move that could impact talks—and relations—between the two countries. Current and former U.S. officials told Foreign Policy that Elnigar Iltebir, a Harvard Kennedy School-educated academic and daughter […]
Last month, we reported on July 27 that Turkish authorities deported a Uighur woman (Zinnetgul Tursun) and her two little children. The two kids are respectively 4 years old and 18 months old. After reporting the incident by Uighur Times and multiple other news media outlets, Turkish officials had denied the […]
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says extradition bill ‘dead’ Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has said her administration’s bill to allow people to be sent to the Chinese mainland for trial was “dead” following a series of mass protests, but she stopped short of completely […]
Original news link: https://bitterwinter.org/a-sad-world-refuge-day-for-uyghurs-in-thailand/ June 20 is the World Refugee Day. It is a day of hope and new life for many refugees throughout the world. But not for the Uighur refugees who escaped from China and sought asylum in Thailand. Despite international protests, Thailand has continued to keep Uighur […]
Uighur Times 6-16-2019 According to Taiwan News, Dolkun Isa, the president of the World Uyghur Congress, was denied entry to Taiwan by President Tsai Ing-wen, who is from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). This was despite the fact that Dolkun Isa is the recipient of the 2019 Democracy […]
Uighur Times 6-16-2019 ‘Deep concerns’ over UN official’s trip to China’s Xinjiang Vladimir Voronkov, a veteran Russian diplomat who heads the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), is currently in China at the invitation of Beijing and is due to visit East Turkistan’s capital Urumqi. The United States and other […]
Uighur Times 6-1-2019 US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted about Uighurs Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Democrat who is supporting the House Bill, tweeted: “China is currently inflicting physical and psychological torture on its Uighur population, according to numerous reports. These are the precursors to genocide. The United States must […]
Requirements: Willing to expose the ongoing atrocities and crimes against humanity by the Chinese communist party on the Uighurs. Willing to defend justice and comply with core journalism ethics. Agree to comply with confidentiality rules of Uighur Times. Background in media, communication, journalism, English literature, creative writing and […]
Uighur Times 5-28-2019 Norwegian Uighur Community organized a mock funeral on May 26th in front of the Norwegian Parliament building in Oslo. This is the fourth time in a month that the Norwegian Uighur Community organizing such a peaceful demonstration in Oslo. However, it is the first time to […]