Original news link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/20/families-of-missing-uighurs-use-tiktok-video-app-to-publicise-china-detentions?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR2uZ25kRyQagbj8mgl8JeReBddMljSzZvMopjgWgXNW2kYacxIQI-McWO0     Uighurs are sending out messages on social media video app Tiktok (抖音 DouYin, the version of TikTok only available within China) showing family members who have gone missing, in their latest attempt to raise awareness about the estimated 1 million Uighurs who have been detained […]

Original news link: https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/08/14/why-a-new-trump-appointee-could-be-the-latest-sticking-point-between-the-u-s-and-china-uighur-american-director-nsc/   The Trump administration has appointed a Uighur American academic as director for China at the National Security Council in a symbolic move that could impact talks—and relations—between the two countries. Current and former U.S. officials told Foreign Policy that Elnigar Iltebir, a Harvard Kennedy School-educated academic and daughter […]

      Requirements: Willing to expose the ongoing atrocities and crimes against humanity by the Chinese communist party on the Uighurs. Willing to defend justice and comply with core journalism ethics. Agree to comply with confidentiality rules of Uighur Times. Background in media, communication, journalism, English literature, creative writing and […]

Uighur Times 5-28-2019   Norwegian Uighur Community organized a mock funeral on May 26th in front of the Norwegian Parliament building in Oslo. This is the fourth time in a month that the Norwegian Uighur Community organizing such a peaceful demonstration in Oslo. However, it is the first time to […]