Dear BBC,The Xinjiang research community is delighted that you continue to cover such pressing humanitarian disasters as cultural genocide and internment camps. However, your coverage of the Xinjiang, Karakax papers on the 17th February 2019 fell somewhat short of the rigorous standards associated with your organisation that should continue to be both […]
Uyghur Times Editorial, Uyghur columnists, Uyghur Op-ed writers, translation of Uyghur Op-eds, Uyghur perspective, Uyghur speeches.
When the world started to consider serious measures amid the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak, we have worried about the situation of more than 3 million Uyghurs in concentration camps in East Turkestan and we have petitioned the international community to prevent possible tragedy in those camps. Because the people in the […]
By Tahir imin Uighurian China has been taking advantage of the loopholes of law enforcement in the U.S on almost all areas, from trade to technology, from academia to the military. Fentanyl in the form of a highly lethal, synthetic opioid that’s been making its way through the U.S. over the […]
Torchlight Uyghur Group Artwork from Shouting against injustices was originally thought to be a trait that belongs only to human beings, but recent studies of the animal world have concluded that animals also have natural instincts to protect the weak. You can find some interesting videos on YouTube, such […]
Dear World Health Organisation, My name is Fatimah Abdulghafur. I am a Uighur from East Turkistan, aka Xinjiang, currently living in Australia. All members of my direct family (total 4) in Kashgar, East Turkistan had been illegally detained and put into concentration camps and prison since 2016. I […]
The Uyghur Muslims: A Global Scheme and The Family of Nations by Zaynab Abdullah (Educator) ( A Game of Thrones Regarding the current policies in China against the Uyghur Muslims, the Family of Nations positions Uyghur, the nation, as a pawn for the total annihilation of the Islamic world. While the United States bars […]
By Meripet Since 2016, many diaspora Uyghurs have been asking the Chinese regime the whereabouts of their missing families in East Turkistan (AKA Xinjiang) on Western media platforms. Although media questioning did not put an end to China’s cruel crack down on Uyghurs in their homeland, however, the Western world […]
By Mehmet Tohti Jan 2, 2020 The parliamentary vote setting up a special committee to review Canada’s China policy could be seen as an initial response to China’s growing bullying and assertiveness, which for too long has paralyzed Canada’s China policy. China’s new Ambassador to Canada, Cong Peiwu, undiplomatically […]
Dec 12, 2019, Washington DC Uighur Times exclusive By Tahir imin Chinese authorities intensified the control over the Uighur region after the U.S. House passed the UIGHUR Act on Dec 3, according to information obtained by the Uighur Times. The email of Uighur Times’ Uighur language service has […]
by Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur Dr. Olsi Jazexhi is a Canadian-Albanian historian who is specialized in the history of Islam, nationalism and he is a university lecturer. He was one of the reporters on the pre-arranged “visit” in East Turkistan (a.k.a. Xinjiang) arranged by China to tell the world via […]