Original source: thehill.com Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims on Friday amid the NBA’s recent controversy regarding a team manager’s statements about the country on Friday. In an address to the American Association of Christian Counselors in Nashville, Tenn., Pompeo proclaimed that George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984”, was […]

Original news link: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/xi-jinping-regime-han-chinese-threat-uighur-muslims-persecution-detention-camps-a9051126.html   The muscular young Uighur man sat uncomfortably, glancing occasionally at three Chinese officials in the room, as he described his state-mandated salvation in a re-education camp. The man, Abduweili Kebayir, 25, explained how watching Islamic videos on his phone landed him in one of China’s notorious indoctrination […]

Original news link: https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/chinas-sickening-acts-on-female-prisoners-at-reeducation-camps/news-story/34d531c19a5bb060881a76ac8b478609   Women held in China’s vast network of “re-education” camps for political and religious prisoners have made shock claims about what was done to them.     China is forcibly sterilizing women held in its vast network of “re-education” camps which house political and religious prisoners, survivors […]