Original Uighur By Tahir Imin Uighurian Tranlated: Fatimah Abdulghafur On January 10, 2020, Tunisian Coalition of Imams protested against the China’s oppression and genocide of Uighurs. The protest took place in front of the Chinese embassy in Tunis after the Friday prayer. The Imams from the Coalition demanded a stop […]

By Fatimah Abdulghafur No response from the Chinese embassy On December 8, 2019, the Global Times (GT), a Chinese propaganda media, has published news on the missing members of the diaspora Uighurs. In the news, they showed pictures of some missing people and depicted them as ‘free, happy and healthy’.  […]

Dec 12, 2019, Washington DC Uighur Times exclusive By Tahir imin     Chinese authorities intensified the control over the Uighur region after the U.S. House passed the UIGHUR Act on Dec 3, according to information obtained by the Uighur Times. The email of Uighur Times’ Uighur language service has […]

by Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur   Dr. Olsi Jazexhi is a Canadian-Albanian historian who is specialized in the history of Islam, nationalism and he is a university lecturer. He was one of the reporters on the pre-arranged “visit” in East Turkistan (a.k.a. Xinjiang) arranged by China to tell the world via […]

There are many Chinese government propaganda news outlets in the United States and around the world, which are under direct control by the CCP. Those include CCTV, CGTN, Global Times, People’s Daily, etc. Among them, CGTN America has been actively engaging propaganda campaigns in the US and on the Internet […]