Biden signs bill banning imports from ‘Xinjiang’ over forced labor concerns

WASHINGTON, DC – On Thursday, December 23rd, U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law legislation that bans imports from Xinjiang, the Uyghur Autonomous in North-Eastern China (that Uyghurs prefer to call Uyghurstan / East Turkistan). It comes over concerns about forced labor, the White House reported. The bill received final congressional approval on December 16th.

Image: Yoonheecho / Pixabay  


WASHINGTON, DC – On Thursday, December 23rd, U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law legislation that bans imports from Xinjiang, the Uyghur Autonomous in North-Eastern China (that Uyghurs prefer to call Uyghurstan / East Turkistan). It comes over concerns about forced labor, the White House reported. The bill received final congressional approval on December 16th. 


H.R. 6256, which bans imports from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang) of the People’s Republic of China, imposes sanctions on foreign individuals responsible for forced labor in the region.


In the announcement, the President thanks Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Representatives McGovern, Chris Smith, and Senators Merkley and Rubio for their leadership.


Source: White House website



Anne Kader

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Chen Quan Guo, executioner of Uyghur Genocide leaves his role as Chief of Uyghur region

Sat Dec 25 , 2021
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