Chinese solar industry reacts to U.S ban

The Chinese solar industry has reacted against the U.S, which has voiced its criticism on human rights violations against Uyghurs. U.S. President Joe Biden signed a ban last week on imports from the Uyghurs’ homeland.

Image: Sebastian Ganso / Pixabay



The Chinese solar industry has reacted against the U.S, which has voiced its criticism on human rights violations against Uyghurs. U.S. President Joe Biden signed a ban last week on imports from the Uyghurs’ homeland. 


A WeChat post from China Photovoltaic Industry Association



Now U.S companies have to prove that imported solar panels aren’t made by forced labor. China is calling these accusations slanderous attempts to boost the position of American companies in the competitive solar industry.


‘Xinjiang’ (East Turkistan / Uyghuristan) produces half the world’s polysilicon, a key ingredient in solar panels. Chinese solar companies also seem to be transferring production away from ‘Xinjiang’.

Anne Kader

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U.S. companies face backlash for refusing imports manufactured by Uyghur forced labour

Thu Dec 30 , 2021
Some of the largest U.S companies have already faced backlash from the recent law, signed by President Biden, that severely restricts imports made by Uyghur forced labour, Market Watch reports.

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