A group of U.S. House lawmakers introduced a resolution on Tuesday, World Press Freedom Day, which named countries including China, Russia and Belarus as nations that committed “repressive and brutal actions” against journalists.

China is “one of the worst media environments in the world and seeks to curtail political speech inside and outside the country…,” stated the resolution, citing the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 2021 findings.

A desperate Uyghur mother in Turkey is looking for his son Abduweli Jappar, a Hotan-born Uyghur who came to Turkey on September 1, 2015, but disappeared 14 days later. Jappar appears to be one of the 397 Uyghurs detained and deported to China, Abduweli Ayup writes in a recent tweet. He says he personally knows at least three other Uyghurs that have disappeared in Turkey. Jappar would be the 4th.