East Turkestan Republic Commemorative Festivity Held in Amsterdam

A festivity of commemorating the establishment of independent East Turkestan Republic in 1933 and 1944 was organized by activist Abdurehim Gheni at Amsterdam Dam Square on 16th November 2019.

The festivity started with a speech in Uyghur and Dutch language given by Abdurehim Gheni, organizer of this event and an activist who has been protesting against China’s genocide over Uyghurs persistently at Dam Square on every weekend since 23rd, June 2018. The speech then was given in four other languages by translators and explains the history of the establishment of East Turkestan Republic, current genocide over Uyghurs carrying out in East Turkestan. At the end of the speech, Mr. Abdurehim Gheni emphasized the ethical and moral obligation of international communities and individuals and urged drastic actions to meet its obligations to save Uyghurs from a holocaust.

On festivity, posters illustrating the Uyghur distant and modern history, history of East Turkestan Republic, current inhuman treatment of Uyghurs, illegal prosecution of Uyghur intellectuals, abuses of Uyghur women in concentration camps, harsh reality of Uyghur children separated from their parents and kept in orphanages, organ harvesting from Uyghur detainees and forced labor are displayed and depicted history of Uyghurs and current unbearable situations Uyghurs have been experiencing.

Through speeches and posters, Visitors were provided full scale information about Uyghurs, Uyghur history, history of East Turkestan Republic and current genocide in East Turkestan. A foreign interviewee who attended Uyghur activities for the first time expressed his deep impression and told reporters that he not only raised awareness regarding ongoing China’s genocide over Uyghurs but also knows the history of Uyghurs and East Turkestan Republic through this festivity.

DUQ president, Dolkun Isa, gave high appraisal over the activity and reassured the importance of such activities on urging international communities’ involvement in Uyghur genocide and make contributions to prevent further oppression of China’s Government.

Uyghur Times

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