According to Xinhua, the Chinese official media, On July 24th, the Kazakhstan Saltana National Dance Troupe held a grandiose gala titled “Rich Hometown” in Turpan, seemingly showcasing the vibrant cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. However, the event took place against a backdrop of mounting human rights concerns in Uyghurstan, Aka Xinjiang, […]

On July 14, the Turkish Parliament’s Human Rights Committee made a decision to decline the establishment of a sub-committee to investigate allegations of human rights violations against Uyghurs. Instead, they chose to assign an existing sub-committee, which had previously focused on racism and Islamophobia during prior legislative terms, to address […]

Chinese intelligence successfully hacked into Microsoft email accounts of around two dozen government agencies, including the U.S. State Department and Western European entities, in a significant cyber breach, as confirmed by Microsoft and U.S. national security officials. Sen. Mark Warner, Chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence, stated that the […]

European Union leaders, at the conclusion of a two-day summit in Brussels, pledged to reduce their economic dependence on China. In a joint statement, the leaders expressed their commitment to maintaining a mutually beneficial economic relationship with Beijing while actively working to “continue to reduce critical dependencies and vulnerabilities.” German […]