Today marks the 71st anniversary of the execution of Osman Batur, an East Turkistani hero who had spent his whole life fighting against Chinese invaders. Uyghurs cherish the memory of this national hero.

Creativity flows from the innermost being of man. It conveys one’s imagination to others. It flies like a morning bird and sees the beauty and opportunities of a new day. Creativity thrives in freedom.
Uyghurs are creative people, and there are many talented musicians, dancers, and writers in their midst. Their beautiful crafts and tapestry reveal their skill for detail.

Tahir Imin Uyghurian In 2021, what must be included in activism agenda of Uyghur diaspora?Following are my suggestions to Uyghur groups and individuals across the globe: Getting governments around the world to officially recognize the “Uyghur Genocide”. Renew our efforts on getting a “Prevention of Uyghur Forced labor Act” past […]

By Erdem Nov 19, 2020 For us, freedom means speaking in the mother tongue, reading in the mother language, loving the mother language, and protecting the mother language! Freedom means being able to see, love, and laugh with your parents, siblings in your motherland!Freedom is the tear of the eyes […]