We received a letter on November 26, 2018. It was written by a Kashgar resident, converted to jpeg photos, and sent to a relative of the writer living abroad via WeChat
Uyghur Times Editorial, Uyghur columnists, Uyghur Op-ed writers, translation of Uyghur Op-eds, Uyghur perspective, Uyghur speeches.
ABDELILLAH BENDAOUDI 17 OCTOBER 2018 On October 7, 2018, The Uyghur Entrepreneurs Network (UEN) in Virginia hosted a conference entitled “Forgotten Nation of Islamic World – Uyghur Muslims”. The conference was part of an awareness campaign at the Uyghur community Center in Fairfax to educate the public about the ongoing human […]
Thank you, Indiana University, Professor Bovington, Professor Marianna Kamp, senior lecturer Gulnisa Nazarova, and graduate student Mustafa Aksu for putting together this panel. To the faculty, staff, and students of the University, and members of the IU community—I offer my sincere appreciation for this opportunity to shed light on the […]
by Batur Karahanli 13th October 2018, Istanbul, Turkey Dear Honorable Senator Marco Antonio Rubio, Your recent announcement of recommending an Uyghur economic Professor, Ilham Tohti, for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 brought hope to the entire Uyghur community in diaspora. As an Uyghur intellectual, I keep a close eye […]
written by Gene A. Bunin Disclaimer: The greater part of this article seeks to convey the words, views, and behaviors of ethnic Uyghurs residing in both China proper (“inner China”) and China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, as observed by the author over the previous year and a half. So as to protect the people […]
11 FEB 2018 PRESS STATEMENT ON UIGHURS IN MALAYSIAN PRISON In response to the news report, Uighur Institute urgently appeals to Malaysian Government and specifically the Minister of Home affairs not to extradite the Uighur political refugees.Uighur religious or political activists are being unfairly and inhumanly treated in their homeland […]