March 24, 2020 By Yiltiz Today I received a letter from an avid listener. It read: “You are a veteran journalist who has spoken with officials in China who rarely accept interviews from independent journalists; could you interview the Wuhan Virus and ask what or who it is and what […]
Human Rights
News about Uyghur Human rights, Uyghur human rights reports, Uyghur genocide, Uyghur camps, Uyghur prisoners, Uyghur detention camps, Uyghur camp survivors, Uyghur human rights evidence
by Diyora Pazilova My name is Diyora Pazilova. I came to Sweden on August 19, 2012 with my mother, Shamshinur Pazilova and have been studying since I started at Söderkullaskolan in fifth grade. In 2017 I started reading the nature program at Malmö Latin School, which is the best choice […]
March 11, 2020 We, a coalition of six human rights organizations, write to express our serious concerns regarding investments held by the Government Pension Fund of Norway (also known as the “Oil Fund”), in Chinese technology companies Hikvision Digital Technology and Zhejiang Dahua Technology, both of which are directly implicated […]
March 2, 2020 By Uyghur Human Rights Project UHRP Press Release For immediate Release March 2, 2020 Contacts: Nicole Morgret +1 202-478-1920 (o), Louisa Greve +1 571-882-4825 (m) Nike must stop making Shoes and Air Max shoes using Uighur forced labor. Nike should remove these shoes from the shelves if […]
February 26, 2020 By American Anthropological Association A decade after the protests that sparked the crackdown in the Uighur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), the Chinese government continues its campaign of eliminating and replacing the Indigenous cultural systems and societies in the Uighur and Kazakh regions of Northwest China. The eradication of […]
By ETNAM February 27, 2020 – Washington, DC On November 15, 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 55/25, the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which was signed by 117 states and ratified […]
February 28, 2020 By Salih Hudayar Over the past month, as the coronavirus began to grab the attention of the international community, the intense persecution of the Uighurs and other peoples of East Turkistan (the region that China calls “Xinjiang”) has become largely forgotten. Now, perhaps more than ever, the […]
Afrasiyab, Uighur Times Feb 26,2020,Washington DC Chinese state-run media Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday that 229 enterprises in Hotan prefecture in the south of Uighur region has “resumed production in an orderly manner and more than 30,000 surplus laborers in the rural area have returned to work.” This move […]
Original Uighur By Tahir Imin Uighurian Tranlated: Fatimah Abdulghafur On January 10, 2020, Tunisian Coalition of Imams protested against the China’s oppression and genocide of Uighurs. The protest took place in front of the Chinese embassy in Tunis after the Friday prayer. The Imams from the Coalition demanded a stop […]