Chinese FM: Shooting down balloon is serious violation of international practice and reserves the right to make further responses

Chinese Foreign Ministry: shooting down ballon is serious violation of international practice and reserves the right to make further responses if necessary.


In a statement issued on Sunday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry called the U.S’s decision to bring down the balloon a “serious violation of international practice,” and added that Beijing “reserves the right to make further responses if necessary.” The Chinese Defense Ministry made a similar statement, calling the shooting an “obvious overreaction”.

The Global Times, the official mouthpiece of Chinese government published a statment said “The US used force to attack our civilian unmanned airship, which is an obvious overreaction. We express solemn protest against this move by the US side and reserve the right to use necessary means to deal with similar situations.”



Anne Kader

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Uyghur genocide and Ghulja Massacre: The same pattern of CCP brutality

Sun Feb 5 , 2023
Some days are different from others, they bring back pain and haunt us with dark memories. 5th February is one such day for the Uyghur community. That day in 1997, Uyghurs gathered in Ghulja (East Turkestan) , to save their land but thousands of them didn’t return.

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