China’s “Xinjiang Tomato War”

Just as the world is coming to grips with the Xinjiang cotton war, there is another conflict looming on the horizon: the Xinjiang tomato war!

Image: Pixabay


Just as the world is coming to grips with the Xinjiang cotton war, there is another conflict looming on the horizon: the Xinjiang tomato war! 


Dr. Adrian Zenz and CBC Marketplace have reported that several major brands — Nestle, Del Monte, and Unilever — have purchased tomatoes from Chinese companies in Xinjiang. They have then processed them in intermediary countries and sold them internationally. 


For their investigation, CBC interviewed Adil, an Uyghur witness. “The local government has forced his extended family to plant, harvest, and process tomatoes in Xinjiang. Uyghurs face fines and retribution if they refuse to attend”, Adil testified.


The revelation has sent shockwaves to the global tomato-processing industry. The Chinese state media and the country’s top officials have already gone on damage control. They have noticeably accelerated their Xinjiang tomato propaganda, as happened with Xinjiang cotton. The Beijing-controlled propaganda factories have created hundreds of ingenuine accounts for Xinjiang tomato defenders. 


The global food industries must re-examine their ethical standards. They must not value profit over the well-being of field labourers. (Opinion) 


*The article uses the name Xinjiang only to expose the propaganda. Most Uyghurs prefer to call their homeland Uyghurland (a.k.a East Turkistan)


Image: Public Domain

Anne Kader

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Montenegro, European country, holds Uyghur refugee for year, now hands him to Interpol interrogation

Fri Nov 5 , 2021
Kurban Mamut, an Uyghur refugee, has been held in a deportation center by Montenegro since December 17, 2020. In December 2020, Kurban, 47, father of three, left Turkey, where many Uyghurs are reported to be covertly deported back to China via Tajikistan, in search of refuge in Europe, as many other Uyghurs have been doing for the past few years.

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