Vicious and Unspeakable: Uighur girls forced to sex slavery in Chinese factories

By Tahir Imin Uighurian

Translated by Fatimah Abdulghafur Seyyah


No matter how bitter the news is, it’s the media’s responsibility to tell the truth.

According to the labor transfer from East Turkistan (a.k.a. Xinjiang) to China’s inner provinces plan, between 2018 and 2019, more than 500,000 Uyghur youth, mostly women, were transferred from the southern part East Turkistan to the Chinese factories in inner China. Separated from their family and relatives, they were sent to the factories in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Hebei and Guangdong provinces and forced to work for more than 14 hours a day under 24-hour video surveillance. They were not allowed to go outside without the permission or the company of the factory guard.

After given a short training by the Chinese supervisors, the Uyghur girls were forced to participate in the production of textiles, clothes and toys.

Because of the ill-treatment towards them, many Uyghur girls often got sick. After reporting the sickness to the Chinese supervisors, the girls were taken away from the workplace and never returned.

According to the reliable sources from East Turkistan, many girls (women) have been subjected to the sex slavery. The Chinese factory owners and the supervisors can call out on any Uyghur female workers and force them to have sexual intercourse with them. Although could not publicize it to the outside world, some girls have told their family and relatives about the abuses over the phone with a determination of “I don’t care what happens to me anymore”. Although it’s hard to quantify, it’s been told that some girls committed suicide after the assault. Many chose to accept their fate to survive.

Similar accounts of events which upholds the credibility of the above mentioned abuses have been disclosed in a letter from a prison/camp guard from the Dawanching camp near Urumchi to the ethnic Kazakh activist Erkin Azat, in which it revealed that the Chinese police gang rape the pretty ones among the female Uyghur camp detainees. It’s also stated by the camp survivor Sayragul Sawut’s interview with the Israeli Newspaper, Hazater, as she said, ‘it’s very common to be tortured and raped. One time they raped a girl in front of 200 men and women inmates to check if their “reeducation” was succeeding, i.e. to see what’s their psychological response to this kind of behavior’.

On the October 17th hearing on the “forced labor in Xinjiang” hosted by the US State Department, independent researcher Adrian Zens, Uyghur human rights activist Nury Turkel and two other researchers testified on the forced labor in Uyghur region and stated, ‘China is using free or cheap labor ( Uyghur detainees) to produce the cheapest commodities. They are using this economic upper hand to threaten the world. Uyghurs are the direct victim of this vicious economic ambition’

Based on Uighur Times resources, Uyghur girls not only become the sex slaves inside the factory but also forced to provide escort secx services to the outside market. Also,well known NASA scientist, Dr. Erkin Sidiq, has mentioned series of events on how the Uyghur girls in the concentration camps are being forced into prostitution.

Recently, the news on the forced marriage of Uyghur girls to Han Chinese men has widespread on the news media.

At present, the topic of Uyghur sex slavery is attracting the international community and many Uyghur issue experts are collecting related evidences. This may become the most unspeakable atrocities against the Uyghurs by the Chinese government as the evidence of their crime against humanity.

Uyghur Times

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