UN Human Rights Chief Türk refuses to mention and condemn China over Uyghurs in 2023

By Erkinjan, Dec 31, 2023

In his exclusive interview with UN News, summarizing the 2023 human rights work of the world’s most important human rights body, Volker Türk, the Commissioner for UN Human Rights notably omitted any mention of Uyghurs, let alone condemning China for the alleged genocide.

During the interview, Türk emphasized the crucial role of accountability in resolving conflicts worldwide, stating that it is a fundamental “missing link” perpetuating cycles of violence. “It is absolutely critical that accountability is part of any future arrangement because we know that if impunity reigns, and if the facts are not told and if the truth is not told, we will have grievances going on and on and on,” he said, referring to the latest bloody cycle of the Israel-Palestine conflict.”

The Commissioner for UN Human Rights notably omitted any mention of Uyghurs, let alone condemning China for the Uyghur genocide.

In August 2022, the UN had released its own report titled “OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China,” explicitly stating that China is committing crimes against the Uyghurs.

On September 26, 2023, UN experts expressed grave concerns over allegations of a significant expansion of the Uyghur Autonomous Region’s state-run boarding school system.

Former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, took to Twitter to criticize UN Chief Volker Türk for his failure to denounce China for its actions against the Uyghurs. “Who is holding UN rights chief @Volker_Turk accountable for his refusal to condemn the Chinese government for its mass detention and persecution of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. His predecessor denounced possible crimes against humanity. He condemns nothing.”

Volcan has also failed to raise concerns about Uyghur human rights situation during 2023.

Uyghur Times

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