About Human Rights Press, the Voice of Global Human Rights

Human Rights Press – “The Voice of Global Human Rights” www.humanrightspress.com

In the past seven years living in Washington, I have interacted more with non-Uyghurs than Uyghurs. These interactions included professional work, humanitarian aid, friendships, and personal relationships. During this period, I engaged with locals from the United States and people from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America in meetings, public gatherings, protests, tea conversations, and book discussions.

Even though my own personal pain is so great…

Even though I suffer from the loss of my detained mother, brothers, and nearly 30 relatives…

Even though the situation of my people is so dire, I have spoken out for those I do not know…

I have also spoken out for the civil rights of the oppressed people here in America, the rights of immigrants…

For the refugees who escaped from North Korea…

For the innocent children who lost their lives in Gaza…

For those deprived of human rights in Tibet and Hong Kong…

For the mothers, girls, and children who lost so many rights in Iran and Afghanistan…

For those in need of economic help in Kazakhstan and Turkey…

I have spoken, written, participated in protests, donated money, visited congressional offices, and written letters to government agencies for these causes.


Because I am the child of a mother who cannot tolerate injustice and a father who considers helping the weak a fundamental human virtue.

Because I am the father of a kind and compassionate daughter who loves animals, children, and nature.

Or may be because, I am a naive a born altruist as Myers-Briggs personality type indicates I am inclined to work for others.

May be because I have seen thousands of people who tirelessly speak, write, and advocate for people they do not know.

Currently, humanity lives in one of the most blatant and brutal eras of rights violations and crimes in history.

Protecting or assisting human rights is an immensely great and important task. There are many efforts in this category, but it is impossible to carry out all of them.

I simply believe that every healthy person should make it their primary duty to strive to stop the massacres, and the oppression of children and women occurring worldwide. I do not want to see the miserable condition of any oppressed people, especially mothers and children.

For this reason, starting from the beginning of this year, I began a simple service common to all humanity and, after recently receiving some practical support and recognition from representatives of oppressed non-Uyghur peoples, I deemed it appropriate to inform the Uyghur people.

This new service is a professional media outlet called “Human Rights Press,” which aims to be the voice of oppressed people worldwide. It started at the beginning of this year and focuses on professional journalism about human rights in English, transcending ethnicity, nation, and religion. A group of non-Uyghur experts is working, albeit in a modest and simple manner.

There are many human rights organizations in the world; some focus on research, and others on activism. However, there is no media outlet solely dedicated to human rights issues common to all humanity.

I hope that (Human Rights Press) will become a powerful organization that delivers the rights of humanity to the world in a healthy, correct, and scientific manner.


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LinkedIn Compromised: Chinese Hackers Target Accounts of Uyghur Times

Sat Jul 13 , 2024
Byline: By Uyghur Times Staff, July 13, 2024, 10:00 am ET LinkedIn is facing criticism following reports that Chinese hackers have targeted accounts linked to Uyghur human rights advocacy, including those of Uyghur Times and its founder, Tahir Imin. Tahir Imin, a Uyghur rights advocate, took to Twitter today to […]
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