The 2024 SCO Summit: A Dark Turning Point for Humanity and Uyghurs

By Tahir Imin Uyghurian

The 2024 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit marked a grim chapter for the 21st century, posing profound threats to both global human rights and the future of the Uyghur people. Under the leadership of China, this regional security organization has intensified efforts to fortify its influence in the region, thereby exacerbating geopolitical tensions and human rights violations.

The summit’s outcomes signify a troubling advancement in China’s regional strategy. A key objective was to diminish the presence of “external forces” like the United States, while forging an alliance aimed at countering democratic nations led by the U.S. and Western powers. This geopolitical maneuvering seeks to deepen the military, technical, economic, and diplomatic dependence of Central Asian Turkic republics on China, effectively binding their futures to Chinese interests.

Central to this strategy is the ongoing oppression of the Uyghur people. China continues to employ the rhetoric of terrorism, separatism, and extremism to justify its genocidal policies against the Uyghurs. By framing Uyghurs within this context, China aims to obscure its crimes and maintain its colonial hold over East Turkistan.

The international community’s attention is currently fragmented, with significant focus on the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine. This diversion has allowed China to further entrench its repressive policies with little global scrutiny. At the same time, internal divisions within Western and democratic nations have reached unprecedented levels, undermining their ability to present a unified front against such abuses.

China’s orchestration of a counterforce to the U.S. and NATO, through alliances with Russia, India, Iran, and other nations, poses a significant threat to the global balance of power. For marginalized and oppressed minorities under the rule of these authoritarian regimes, this alliance spells disaster. It consolidates the power of regimes known for human rights abuses and political repression, leaving vulnerable populations even more exposed.

The West’s diplomatic approach over the past three decades has inadvertently facilitated this situation. Policies of engagement and economic integration have strengthened brutal regimes, providing them the means to challenge the very democratic principles the West stands for. This miscalculation has led to the current scenario, where authoritarian states feel emboldened and the West finds itself under siege.

It is imperative that the modern world and the Western nations recognize the existential threat posed by the SCO under China’s dominance. This organization is not merely a regional security pact; it is a mechanism designed to perpetuate authoritarian rule and suppress dissent, both within its member states and beyond.

Moving forward, a reassessment of diplomatic and strategic policies is crucial. The international community must prioritize human rights and democratic values, applying consistent pressure on regimes that violate these principles. Solidarity with oppressed populations, such as the Uyghurs, must be maintained, ensuring that their plight is not overshadowed by other global conflicts.

The 2024 SCO summit should serve as a wake-up call. It underscores the urgent need for a cohesive and principled international response to authoritarianism. The future of humanity and the protection of fundamental human rights depend on it.


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China-UAE Joint Military Drills Over Uyghur Detention Camps in Uyghurland

Thu Jul 11 , 2024
July 11, 2024 Chinese and Emirati jets will conduct joint military drills over Uyghurland, a region known for China’s detention camps and prisons holding millions of Uyghurs. The exercises, dubbed Falcon Shield-2024, commenced in late June and are scheduled to continue until late July, involving the air forces of both […]
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